God krishnan and radha
God krishnan and radha

The full pitcher is a symbol to show that no inauspiciousness can come near the devotees. This mark also indicates that the feet can pour out nectar that extinguishes the blazing three-fold miseries of the separated devotees. PITCHER (kalasa) - This mark shows that lotus feet hold the golden pitcher full of purely nectarean ambrosia to be freely consumed by the surrendered souls indeed, they will never be bereft of nectar for this pitcher always remains full. The half-moon also indicates that since Lord´s toenails appear like ten splendorously full moons, the real moon has shriveled up in shame and appears in half-form. Just as the moon is one, yet it destroys the darkness seen by many people simultaneously, similarly the Lord is one and yet by His cleverness can deliver many souls at the same time. So that the minds of the devotees may reside at the feet, they bear the symbol of the moon (which is the devata or presiding deity of the mind) upon the feet. Just as the moon showers nectar with its cooling rays, similarly the lotus feet shower nectar upon the devotees, extinguishing the threefold material miseries. It also shows that devotees who likewise decorate their own head with the feet can become exalted like Lord Siva. It signifies that even devatas like Lord Siva (whose symbol is a half moon) have decorated their own heads with the soles of the feet. HALF-MOON (ardha-candra) - This mark symbolizes how lotus feet truly provide the desired objectives of the devotees. I worship Sri Radha, whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of, on the left foot, the parasol, ari, flag, vine, flower, bracelet, lotus, urdhva-rekha, elephant-goad, halfmoon, and barleycorn, and on the right foot, the sakti, club, chariot, altar, earrings, fish, mountain, and conchshell. Tam radham ciram unavimsati-maha-lakshmy-arcitanghrim bhaje Vedi-kundala-matsya-parvata-daram datte ´nv asavyam padam

god krishnan and radha

I worship Lord Hari (Krishna), whose feet are endowed with the 19 great opulences of, on the left foot, the halfmoon, water-pot, triangle, bow, sky, cow´s hoofprint, fish, conch, and on the right foot, the eight-pointed star, svastika, wheel, parasol, barleycorn, elephant-goad, flag, thunderbolt, jambu fruit, urdhva-rekha, and lotus.Ĭchatrari-dhvaja-valli-pushpa-valayan padmordhva-rekhankusanĪrdhendum ca yavam ca vamam anu ya saktim gadam syandanam

god krishnan and radha

Sankham savya-pade ´tha dakshina-pade konashtakam svastikamĬakram chatra-yavankusam dhvaja-pavi jamburdhva-rekhambujamīibhranam harim unavimsati-maha-lakshmy-arcitanghrim bhaje

god krishnan and radha

Lotus Feet of Sri Krishna Lotus Feet of RadharaniĬandrardham kalasam tri-kona-dhanushi kham goshpadam proshthikam

God krishnan and radha